Short-term training activity in Lanciano, Italy

During the period 21-25 June 2021, in Lanciano, Italy, there took place the short-term training activity entitled ”Tasks and Skills of the museum mediator as diversity integrator”, that brought together 45 participants from the partner countries.

Thus, there were 10 participants from Italy (6 from Insieme per Caminare, of Rosano, and 4 from the course organizer, CPA di Giuseppina Bomba), 15 participants from Spain (9 from Espacio Rojo, of Madrid, and 7 of Fundacion Uxio Novoneyra, of Folgoso da Courel), 5 participants from Greece (representing the Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Diasosis Sholikou Ylikou, of Athens), 3 participants from Germany (representing weltgewandt. Institut für Interkulturelle Politische Bildung, of Berlin), 1 participant from Austria (representing the Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde),and 10 participants from Romania (6 from the project leader, “Moldova” National Museum Complex of Iași, and 4 fro the technical partner, Beacon Wave, also of Iași).

The agenda of the event was one that focused on interactivity, on developing and/or improving skills absolutely necessary to the museum mediation field, such as communication skills, including multilingual communication, but also understanding body language, voice training, performance techniques and their importance in achieving an effective communication process, considering the diversity of the target groups, and of their needs.