Short-term training activity and Multiplier Event in Iasi, Romania

Special technology-aided modules designed to answer the needs of the visually impaired and of the persons with hearing difficulties

The last training activity of the project was organized by the project leader, MOLDOVA National Museum Complex together with the Romanian partner BeaconWave SRL. The aim of this activity was to train the partners on the use of the technology-aided modules to answer the needs of vulnerable publics.

The training course entitled “Special technology-aided modules designed to answer the needs of the visually impaired and of the persons with hearing difficultiesis” was meant to provide participants with an introduction into the field of technology-aided modules used or applicable in museum environments, and which are designed so to answer the needs of the totally or partially blind persons, and of the totally or partially deaf people. This LTTA was titly connected to the intellectual outupts IO4 and IO5, which consist in the creation of the two modules theoretically.
The course focused on the skills a museum mediator needs considering the final end-user of his/her activity, end-user who may be different in terms of needs and expectations from those of a usual beneficiary of the museum activity. 

The partners of the project had the opportunity to test the modules installed at the Art Museum and Science and Technique Museum, within the Palace of Culture, Iasi. This course involved other associated partners from Moldova region, such as The Association for Blind People from Iasi department, the Association of Teachers for Hearing Impaired Students “Vasile Florea” from Iasi, the Bukovina Museum from Suceava, the Metropolitan Museum from Iasi, the House of Museums, Iasi.

The multiplierevent of Unlock project gathered at the Palace of Culture of Iasi many stakeholders who will carry on the project’s results.