weltgewandt. Institut für interkulturelle politische Bildunge.V.

weltgewandt. Institute for Intercultural Civic Education provides citizenship education on social, political and economic issues for everyone. weltgewandt („open to the world”)
focuses on
a) making current developments in politics and society understood,
b) fostering an awareness of what democracy is and which values are needed to keep it running, and
c) encouraging citizens to actively participate in social and community life.
Taking the existing plurality of modern societies into consideration, weltgewandt e.V. also strengthens
d) the dialogue between people of different cultures, social contexts, generations and life-styles.
weltgewandt e.V. runs seminars, theatre workshops, language cafés and trainings combining complex issues of societies with creative approaches. The organisation provides information and stimulates discussions regarding current issues of public interest (integration and welcoming politics, digitalisation, climate change, perceptions of history / culture of remembrance, social inclusion, Europe). weltgewandt promotes awareness, lifelong learning, coping with plurality, responsibility, civic and community engagement, and being open-minded for new ideas and initiatives. Its activities are also directed to improve ICT skills in particular of disadvantaged citizens (unemployed, low-skilled, migrant/refugee background). Through several projects weltgewandt e.V. fosters common activities of ‘old’ and ‘new’ Berliners (the last ones with refugee experience) to enhance mutual understanding, overcoming the fear of contact, mistrust as well as social isolation.
The institute also produces teaching material for trainers and teachers encompassing information and didactical inspirations for positive and fruitful learning experiences.
The organisation acts in a residential area in the East of Berlin (Marzahn) in which people from different cultures live. Structural unemployment and social exclusion are widely spread. 30% of the voters supported the right-wing party in the elections of the European Parliament in 2019. weltgewandt e.V. is part of a lively infrastructure of initiatives, public authorities, NGOs and community centers which however try to foster democracy, tolerance and public spirit.