Short-term training activity in Berlin, Germany

Short-term training activity in Berlin, Germany

During the week 19-23 July a new training activity took place in Berlin, organized by Weltgewandt. Institut für Interkulturelle Politische Bildung. Entitled “Empowering (young) refugees in museum environments”, this short-term training provided the participants with the opportunity of understanding fundamental concepts of civic education and its implementation in larger and smaller scale museums, and how intercultural dialogue and mutual respect and understanding can contribute to consolidate the belonging to the community. Various activities were developped.

The Berlin course started on Monday 19 July with open-air introductory training inspired by sociodrama, continued with elements of civic and political education, while Tuesday we focused on art and cultural education, and memorial projects, including projects for prisoners at the Haus Bastian and Anne Frank Zentrum. And the day continues with Multaka project at Pergamon Museum.

Then the course proposed some activities in the different “stations” of Merzan neighborhood: refugees’ center, Marie women’s center, library, and the topics discussed in each of them, such as the accessibility of culture, how to make museums more accessible to disadvantaged categories, how to bring culture to marginalized neighborhoods, how to integrate refugees while keeping their national identities.

The course also targeted the visually and hearing impaired. A guided tour and talk about educational programmes for people with visual and hearing difficulties as well as for refugees at the Berlinische Galerie.