Transnational Project Meeting 4 Wien, Austria
Volkskundemuseum in Vienna, our Austrian partner, was in charge of the 4th Transnational Project Meeting. Various activities were carried out in different important cultural institutions of the city and with various stakeholders.
The central subject of the activities carried out in Vienna was the ”Effective mediation having in mind the others’ needs and expectations”.
During a guided tour in the dark, for example, the team experienced first-hand what it means to be dependent on a supportive human environment.
Another inspiring meeting was with the mediators of the NGO ”Promenz” who develop various activities with seniors in museums, as for example art therapy or dance classes.
At Weltmuseum, mediators told the projects team about the techniques of (inter)cultural mediation and how to convey the culture of other countries and continents.
At Volkskundemuseum, two workshops were carried out with the specific target groups chosen by the partners. One of them was about the refugees and how to integrate their stories and their voice in the museography of the Ethnographic museum. The second one was about the deconstruction of the national and racial stereotypes and their representation in Art History, having as a starting point the famous 19th painting from Volkskundemuseum, the ”Volkertafel”.